
Showing posts from July, 2018

3 Furniture Restoration Ideas

Sometimes, shopping for new furniture is your interior design solution - sometimes, it is not.  Whether you have furniture sitting in storage or you recently acquired furniture that shows its age, restoration techniques can breathe new life into old items. Before you attempt a furniture restoration project, you should learn about some of the ideas that other people have tried. Their projects may inspire you to take an interesting approach that will make worn furniture look beautiful. Refinish Wood Tables Wood is an extremely durable material that can look wonderful for decades. Tabletops, however, receive a lot of abuse, especially when they get used daily. Everything from pushing plates across the top to forgetting to place glasses on protective coasters can damage a table. Luckily, wood is fairly easy to restore. You can take the traditional route by sanding the entire top until you’ve removed all of the scratches and dents. You may want to use an orbital sander to make the